Truesix closed 2021 with big numbers – more than 430 publications overall, including media outlets like Forbes, BBC, The Next Web, and others.
Inspired by the previous year's success, the Truesix team was eager to score media wins during the first month of 2022 as well. And so we did – landed media coverage for Supliful, DeskTime, Lokalise, and more of our clients.
Keep reading to learn more about our wins!
Another big month for DeskTime
2021 was a great year publicity-wise for our long-term client DeskTime, and January followed last year's lead. DeskTime's annual report on global employee productivity caught the media's eye and made it to several outlets, such as:
But that wasn’t everything for DeskTime in January. Their CEO Artis Rozentals shared his vision of commitment, fairness, and transparency when thinking about entrepreneurship in an interview with Mike Weiss for ValiantCEO.

Even more, the time tracking app appeared in Episode #243 of Rose Davidson’s podcast “Talking With The Experts.” DeskTime’s Chief Operating Officer Toms Blodnieks discussed the idea of poor time management – a common issue many new businesses face when starting up.
Supliful's success
On-demand supplement fulfillment and dropshipping company Supliful also celebrated some success in January.
An article about Supliful’s practical approach to business and how it can benefit fitness professionals and nutritionists to sell their line of supplements made it to the prestigious health & fitness outlet, Men’s Journal. You can read the full article here.
Another story made the headlines for Supliful in January. The startup’s co-founder Rihards Piks shared a valuable business lesson on making the best out of growing business with venture capital funds. His opinion piece was featured in the well-known tech media, The Next Web. In the article, Rihards shared the importance of emphasizing your business's potential revenue and scalable growth when pitching to VC investors.

Here are three main takeaways from the article:
- Venture capital firms want to make money for their clients, no matter your startup’s idea, narrative, or cause.
- It’s not enough for VC funds to have your startup succeed. Being high-risk operations, they want you to grow exponentially so they can increase the value of their initial investment.
- When pitching investors, focus on presenting the growth value of your business so they can see an opportunity for them to invest.
Lokalise’s success in Forbes
At the beginning of the month, another long-term client of ours, Lokalise, landed a publication in…Forbes!
Lokalise’s CEO & CTO Nick Ustinov shared four essential lessons on going fully remote since the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic.
Here are the lessons outlined in the article:
- Economize the use of messaging platforms when sharing important information.
- Effective onboarding is essential to steer a team in the same direction.
- Go minimal in business meetings to prioritize uninterrupted work schedules.
- Don’t let remote working kill in-person time and social interaction with your team.
More publicity achievements from Truesix

The beginning of 2022 was also successful for the Latvian mobile innovator LMT and the real-time data monitoring software Kedeon.
LMT’s participation in the iMUGS project has gained excellent media attention over time. In January, a story about LMT's study within the project on the potential use of 5G for defense and autonomous military solutions made it to the popular Telecoms Infrastructure Blog, stressing the importance of 5G technology for enhanced communication in potential military operations.
Also, an article by our colleague Ieva Sipola – How to stay safe and healthy in the workplace during the pandemic – achieved a sweet share of media attention in Lifehack, an educational website that fosters balanced work-life for businesses and individual entrepreneurs.
Achieving media coverage for our clients always makes us happy, and the Truesix team is looking forward to scoring more publicity success this year. We'll make sure to share our wins with you. Stay tuned!